We are the WNC Chapter of NSA

NSA-WNC is the place for professional Speakers looking to grow their business, platform skills, and networks. Whether you are an experienced professional or interested in learning how to become a professional speaker and gain skills from active professionals, consider attending an upcoming meeting as our guest.

Meeting Planners looking for expert speaking talent also find our membership helpful. We are home to some of the best speakers in Western North Carolina.

Our Mission

 NSA-WNC’s mission is to empower professional speakers to thrive by encouraging excellence, sharing expertise, challenging one another to improve, and building influence throughout Western North Carolina.

Eight Competencies

The  eight competencies founded by NSA in 1986 provide the framework that brings relevant content and mastery of the speaking industry to our members:

Environmental Trends and Impact

The skills to remain aware of the current business landscape, audience profiles and needs, and best practices to drive effective communication and platform skills. And the ability to research, translate and synthesize environmental trends, including economic, technological, and geographical trends and emerging capabilities to grow a business and effectively communicate current, relevant content.


The ability to effectively build essential trust with stakeholders, including respectfully and honestly communicating with several types of industry associates—other speakers, those who hire speakers, and those who support speakers with products and services. Demonstrating ethical behavior, performance, and delivery style that is congruent with the professional image among the public, clients, and peers.

Content Development

The capability to select, research, develop, and protect valid and original work. A demonstration of critical thinking, including integrating diverse viewpoints, and skills to deploy techniques to stay on the forefront of topic selection and development.

Product Development

An understanding of adult learning concepts and the ability to convert speaking and training topics into marketable products, such as consulting, books, podcasts, blogs, videos, and eLearning.

Platform Mechanics

The ability to set up or stage the environment, including preparing the room, backdrop or stage, using appropriate props, and using appropriate equipment for a successful presentation or performance.

Performance Mastery

The art of speaking and the use of powerful and persuasive communication to ignite change through various platforms, including speech, workshops, virtual presentations, and podcasts. The knowledge and skills of presenting or performing to effectively communicate with and engage the audience, whether in-person or virtual, including word choice, structure, timing, voice inflection, movement, storytelling, and interactivity.

Business Development

Comprehensive sales and marketing skills and techniques to generate speaking engagements and expand the impact of messages through product sales. Skills to build a brand, develop marketing and sales funnels, conduct lead generation, build effective marketing collateral, leverage communication platforms including social media, implement the 4Ps (product, price, place, promotion), effectively negotiate, and develop contracts.

Strategic and Operational Business Management

Ability to develop and implement a robust strategy to effectively manage the business side of speaking activities, including an understanding of business models, risk mitigation, due diligence, technology roadmap, financial literacy, and planning, managing the lifecycle of the business, adhering to laws and regulations, and plans to operate the business.

Values and Ethics

 NSA-WNC embraces and upholds strong values and a strict code of ethics which are derived from the National Speakers Association:


We honor the power of well-spoken words. We respect the creative works of others and inspire people to find their original voice. We communicate with intention, care, and respect.


Article 1— Representation

The NSA-WNC member has an obligation to oneself and to NSA-WNC to represent oneself truthfully, professionally, and in a non-misleading manner. The NSA-WNC member shall be honest and accurate in presenting qualifications and experience in the member’s communication with others.

Article 2— Professionalism

The NSA-WNC member shall act, operate his/her business, and speak in a most professional and ethical manner so as neither to offend nor bring discredit to oneself, the speaking professional, or one’s fellow NSA-WNC members.

Article 3— Research

The NSA-WNC member shall strive to understand each client’s organization, approaches, goals, and culture in advance of a presentation to appropriately meet each client’s needs.

Article 4— Intellectual Property

The NSA-WNC member shall avoid using – either orally or in writing – materials, titles or thematic creations originated by others unless approved in writing by the originator.

Article 5— Respect & Collegiality

The NSA-WNC member shall maintain a collegial relationship with fellow members based on respect, professional courtesy, dignity, and high ethical standards.

Article 6— Confidentiality

The NSA-WNC member shall maintain and respect the confidentiality of business or personal affairs of clients, agents, and other speakers.

Article 7— Business Practices

The NSA-WNC member is obligated to maintain a high level of ethical standards and conduct honest and fair practices in the speaking profession.

Article 8— Diversity

The NSA-WNC member shall not support any activity that limits or denies access to the marketplace based on race, ethnicity, creed, color, sexual orientation, age, or disability.


Download the bylaws of the National Speakers Association Western North Carolina Chapter.