Linda Ruhland

Linda Ruhland, MBA, is a speaker, writer, and business success strategist skilled in problem-solving, performance improvement, and goal achievement. She consults with owners and their leadership teams throughout the country, helping them leverage their innovative and collaborative power to grow their businesses and navigate change. Ruhland uses her 30 years in corporate and small business along with her diverse education in management and the arts to present thought-provoking conversations that stimulate innovative thinking in leadership. She is the author of “Amazing Workplace: Creating the Conditions that Inspire Success.” Her company, Success Authorities, provides business advice and solutions that enable leaders to achieve their business objectives. Through Success Authorities, she and her colleagues facilitate successful solutions to business challenges that range from starting up to scaling up to succession and every stage in between.

Speaker Presentation Summary


How do you define success for yourself, your company, your team? Do your employees and customers define it in the same way? Are you all on track and following the same roadmap? This program will help you build a solid foundation, or platform, from which to grow your project, venture or initiative.

Format:  90-minute keynote, one-day workshop, or 60-minute breakout

This program is perfect for:

  • Teams or groups seeking momentum,
  • Business owners or leaders seeking better results,
  • Sales leaders or teams seeking higher productivity

Your audience will leave with:

  • Strategic guidance
  • Better ways to assess value
  • Model for success
  • Tools for amplifying your message
  • Better, more sustainable results for your efforts
  • Renewed sense of enthusiasm and direction


People bring to it a unique mix of skills, talents, experiences, and perspectives to the workplace. Together, they produce something far greater than any one of them is able to deliver alone. This program is designed to achieve higher collaboration, i.e., productivity, among your organization’s most valuable assets: your people. The presentation is available as a keynote or a panel-facilitated workshop.

Format:  90-minute keynote or panel-facilitated  

This program is perfect for:

  • Senior management
  • Team leaders
  • Sales management
  • Owners and executives

The audience will leave with:

  •  An understanding of how you shape your work environment
  •  Simple habits for staying healthier at work
  •  A balanced approach to solving workplace challenges
  • Essential skills for communicating an idea
  • Ideas for engaging people in your strategic plan
  • Tools for ongoing team development
  • A copy of the book “Amazing Workplace”


Are you paying too much for marketing that doesn’t work? If you’re not enjoying your marketing, then neither are your customers. When marketing becomes fun and easy to understand, it’s very profitable. Anyone can learn how to market. Everyone in your organization should. This presentation explains why marketing is everyone’s job, from the executive suite to the mailroom. Linda Ruhland demystifies marketing technology and translates it into common-sense language and relevant advice. She provides practical insights and tips on how to make marketing meaningful, engaging and rewarding for all. 

Format:  90-minute keynote, one-day workshop, or 60-minute breakout

This program is perfect for:

  • Senior management
  • Sales and marketing teams
  • Entrepreneurs

Value to Audience Members:

Participants take away a renewed perspective and ideas for developing good marketing practices in their daily routines:

  • New marketing practices that replace obsolete assumptions
  • Uncover the Sweet Spot that customers find irresistible
  • Core, unchanging principles in an ever-changing world
  • Your Brand Universe and how to navigate it
  • How Short Cuts and Silver Bullets blind you to your real impact
  • Why new technology is no replacement for marketing fundamentals
  • What metrics do and don’t tell you
  • Why marketing is part of the bigger picture of your business

Keynotes and Workshops

In addition to business expertise, Linda Ruhland is an accomplished speaker. Linda is a powerful presenter for your next keynote or workshop. Attendees will enjoy valuable takeaways,  and they will talk about them for weeks to come. Linda is also an expert facilitator for business and organizational retreats. Whether your event is live or virtual, she has the experience and skills your audience will appreciate.

I will inspire the spirit of success in your organization.
Linda Ruhland
Creative Change Agent