Jennifer Maneely

Jennifer Maneely is a dynamic and experienced speaker, writer, consultant, and recovery enthusiast. With a personal journey that includes overcoming a severe drug addiction 17 years ago, Jennifer has dedicated her life to helping others navigate the challenges of addiction and recovery.

Recognizing the struggles that families face when dealing with their loved ones’ addiction, Jennifer has spent over 6 years consulting with families, providing invaluable guidance on how to approach difficult conversations, make challenging decisions, and create a supportive environment for recovery.

Jennifer’s expertise and compassionate approach have made her a sought-after speaker for numerous organizations and groups. She has shared her insights and knowledge with audiences from Rotary International to recovery facilities and various business groups. Her engaging and informative presentations leave a lasting impact, empowering individuals, and communities to support those on the path to recovery.

Jennifer Maneely

Speaker Presentation Summary

A Voice for the Forgotten Child

In this speech, Jen acknowledges the complexities of supporting individuals grappling with substance abuse problems. She acknowledges that it is difficult to provide effective assistance unless the person is willing to seek help themselves. However, there are actions the community can take to contribute positively. Jen actively engages with organizations and groups to spread awareness about what the community can do to support individuals struggling with substance abuse.

Format: 10-20 Minutes

This program is perfect for:

•             Employers seeking guidance on addressing substance abuse with their employees effectively.

•             Family members looking to improve their relationships with loved ones struggling with substance abuse.

•             Community members participating in discussions about substance abuse.

Your audience will leave with:

•             Understanding the Challenge: The audience will learn about the inherent difficulties in helping individuals with substance abuse issues, especially considering the necessity of personal willingness to seek help.

•             Personal Agency: Attendees will be reminded of the critical role that the affected individual’s own decision to seek help plays in the recovery process, emphasizing that support can only go so far without the person’s cooperation.

•             Community Involvement: Jen will highlight the importance of community actions and how collective efforts can make a difference in supporting those dealing with substance abuse problems.

•             Practical Support Strategies: Attendees will take away practical strategies and actionable steps that they, as a community, can implement to provide support and create a more conducive environment for recovery.


The Unbreakable Boundaries: 5 Principles to Living a Boundaried Lifestyle

Boundaries are so much more than simply telling someone what to do. It’s more about living a lifestyle that supports your desires. We never have to reject the person, but we can establish the behaviors we will not accept in our lives. In this workshop, Jen provides 5 principles to help guide the people into cultivating a boundaried lifestyle.

Format: 30 Min-2 Hour Workshop

This program is perfect for:

•             Employers and other community members who struggle with defining boundaries.

•             Individuals interested in personal development, self-improvement, and creating healthier boundaries.

From this presentation, your audience will leave with the following key takeaways:

1. Understanding the concept of boundaries: They will gain a deeper understanding that boundaries are not just about telling someone what to do, but they encompass living a lifestyle that supports their desires.

2. Importance of a Boundaried lifestyle: They will learn the significance of cultivating a Boundaried lifestyle and how it can contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.

3. Rejecting behaviors, not the person: They will grasp the idea that boundaries allow individuals to establish the behaviors they will not accept in their lives, without rejecting the person themselves.

4. Five principles for cultivating boundaries: They will receive practical guidance from Jen on five principles that can help them effectively establish and maintain boundaries in their lives.

By the end of the workshop, your audience will have a clearer understanding of boundaries, their importance, and the tools to implement them in their daily lives.

A Voice for the Forgotten Child

As part of the WNC National Speakers Association Chapter, Jennifer Maneely recently presented a talk about what community members can do to help family members.

Serenity is what we get when we quit hoping for a better past.