Jeffrey R. Percival

Jeff began his speaking career as a teacher and performer.  He has spoken at local businesses, state and national organizations.  He develops each speaking topic to meet the organization and audiences’ requirements.

His philosophy is “Ideas are wonderful but worthless, unless YOU use them” so his approach is to engage the audience so they become involved in the presentation.

His expertise is on Attitude and Personal/Professional Development.

Jeff is also an international author. He has written/published 4 ebooks: “Creating Artful Sales”, “Job Search Survival Kit”, “Your Combination for Success” and “Pillow Card Power or 3 Simple Steps to Make Your Affirmations Work for You”.  Each of these is also the title of one of his workshops.

His favorite keynote is “How to Get More Out of Your Conference or Lessons Learned on the Football Field”.

Jeffrey Percival

Do You Need a Speaker?

Review these topics:

  • “Getting the Most Out of Your Conference” (Lessons Learned on the Football Field)
  • “Your Combination for Success”
  • “Success Secrets of Mother Nature”
  • “Hire Right the First Time”
  • “Retention by Design, Instead of by Accident”
  • “Goal Achievement vs Goal Setting”
  • “New Years Resolutions Usually Don’t Work” or “Change is Hard”

More about Jeff

On the Percival…personal side, Jeff is a white water rat.  He has paddled every river in Wisconsin and a number around the West.  He supports his creative side with pottery and guitar.  To keep his hands busy, he juggles, a metaphor for how he handles life. 

“Ideas are wonderful but worthless unless YOU Use them.”
Jeffrey Percival
Percival Enterprises